Friday, April 20, 2012


A parody is a form of work trying to mock, comment or trivialise an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of humorous or ironic way. Parody can be found in art, music, literature or film. there are a lot of parody movie nowadays. In example..

Vampire suck.. a parody of one of the famous movie in United States.. Twilight  
if you have watched the movie before.. then you will notice that the storyline is so much similar to the real movie.. Twilight.. However, inside the movie.. it is not just trying to mock the movie.. it try to mock other artist as well.. But, it is a good movie though.. well.. that summaries what parody is.. it is more like trying to mock an art or a film of others in your own way.. 
Why did I choose to write about parody is because I like how parody is being accepted around the world.. I feel that parody is a good way of trying to criticizes someone else work and make fun of them.. C: even though parody is not really a good genre.. however, this is how someone give the messages of reality of life.. it is just the way they deliver it in a mocking way..
have a nice day people..

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