aha.. what is this blog for if you ask me.. this is for my assessment for Critical Literacy.. I am not going to say anything about this subject since it is very early.. but I hope it to be good.. we are require to do an entry every week.. and we need to give our Lecturer the URL of our own blog.. which I choose www.safwan-ash.blogspot.com.. and the name of this blog is Eye and Idea.. before this.. during the Critical Literacy class.. My lecturer told us about the left and right hemisphere of the brain... which the left hemisphere process thing like math and science, things that I personally think as logic meanwhile the right hemisphere of the brain process intuition and arts.. our brain and also sometimes there will be a moment where our both side of brain will have a switching of idea from A to B.. He also said.. left+right part of the brain equal to EUREKA.. an "AHA" moment.. where in television the cartoon have a bulb come out of nowhere signing that the character have an idea of what is going on..
and since there is still no topic is given.. so.. thanks and Bye~